Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Future Tense - Conjugation Review

I've had several lessons in the last several days that have been centered around, perhaps coincidentally, the future tense.

Unlike the present, preterit, or imperfect tense, the future tense is derived from the infinitive as a whole plus a suffix. The suffix depends on whether or not the subject is first, second, or third person.

Another great thing about the future tense is that the suffixes are going to be regular despite whether or not the verb is -ar, -er, or -ir.

inf. + -é
inf. + -emos
inf. + -ás
inf. + -éis
inf. + -á
inf. + -án

Sample verb charlar(to chat):

yo charlaré
nosotros charlaremos
vosotros charlaréis
él, ella, Ud. charlará
ellos, ellas, Uds. charlarán

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Using "¿qué? and ¿cuál? in interrogative sentences; You know them better as "questions".

Both ¿qué? and ¿cuál? mean "what?" in English, but the verbs in Spanish change depending on where they are used.  " cuál &q...