Monday, June 28, 2010

The Wonderful World of Would...Using the Conditional.

To express "I would, you would, she would..." etc., you would use the conditional form of the verb. To form the conditional, it is necessary to know the future tense conjugation for a lot of the irregular verbs.

In all practicality, knowing the conditional conjugation is pretty easy. You just add the conditional suffix to the infinitve of the verb. For the verb beber, the conjugation is as follows:

yo bebería

tú beberías

él, ella, Ud. bebería

nosotros beberíamos

vosotros beberíais

ellos, ellas, Uds. beberían

Now, the verbs that are irregular in the future tense are irregular in the conditional tense, as well. The following verbs will have an irregular base for the conditional:

poner pondr-

salir saldr-

poder podr-

venir vendr-

querer querr-

decir dir-

tener tendr-

saber sabr-

All you have to do is take the irregular base of the verb, and attach the correct conditional suffix to associate with the correct conjugation.

I would know. Yo sabría.

You would leave. Tú saldrías.

We would come. Nosotros vendríamos.

By itself, as in the above examples, the conditional form is useless. Not USELESS, but rolling solo, it doesn't say the whole story.

¡Sigue estudiando!

Professor Joel

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Using "¿qué? and ¿cuál? in interrogative sentences; You know them better as "questions".

Both ¿qué? and ¿cuál? mean "what?" in English, but the verbs in Spanish change depending on where they are used.  " cuál &q...