Vocabulario - Los Partes del Cuerpo
One of my students who is 9 loves to do these vocabulary lessons! If you have a young child, the best way to get them learning a lesson efficiently is to do word recognition, and to teach them certain phrases that can be associated with the vocabulary that they're learning. Too many parents rush into teaching grammar to young students, so much so that they are merely discouraging the child from learning at their own pace, because the child feels overwhelmed.
Think about it: when you started learning English, you probably didn't dive right into contractions and the wonderful world of diphthongs, silent letters, sentence structures, or compound words. You start by observing the world around you, and equating written words with objects in your realm.
Los Partes del Cuerpo (The Parts of the Body)
¡Sigue practicando!
Professor Joel
Think about it: when you started learning English, you probably didn't dive right into contractions and the wonderful world of diphthongs, silent letters, sentence structures, or compound words. You start by observing the world around you, and equating written words with objects in your realm.
Los Partes del Cuerpo (The Parts of the Body)
la cabeza – the head
el pelo – the hair
las orejas – the ears
las mejillas – the cheeks
los ojos – the eyes
las cejas – the eyebrows
la nariz – the nose
la boca – the mouth
la lengua – the tongue
los dientes – the teeth
el cuello – the neck
los hombros – the shoulders
los brazos – the arms
el codo – the elbow
la muñeca – the wrist
la mano – the hand
los dedos – the fingers
las piernas – the legs
el muslo – the thigh
la rodilla – the knee
el tobillo – the ankle
el pie – the foot
los dedos (de pie) - the toes
¿Te duele(n)________ - Does your _______ hurt?
¿Te duelen las piernas? - Do your legs hurt?
¿Te duele la cabeza? - Does your head hurt?
¡Sigue practicando!
Professor Joel
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