
Showing posts from 2011

Commands (tú, Ud., Uds, and nosotros) (Click to Enlarge)

Imperfect v. Preterit - A Timeline

The Indefinite Article

The Grammatical Person Drawing

The Subjunctive Mood - Unraveling the Mystery

Interesting way to ask, "How have you been?"

Learning Spanish the Easy and Fun Way

Ways to Say "What's Up?"

"La Troca del Moño Negro" por Los Originales de San Juan (with lyrics and translation)

Rave Review: María, Full of Grace

The Prepositional "A"

¡Vamos a practicar! - The Future Perfect

Spanish and its Latin Roots (A Paper from my University days...what a treat!)

¡Práctica! - The Conditional

¡Práctica! - Future Tense Exercise

"La Leyenda de la Coca" - A Great Bolivian Legend about the Origin of the Coca Plant

Great Article on the False Portrayal of Latin American Culture in Spanish Texbooks

Basic- AR Verb Conjugations

Spanish Lessons Now on YouTube!

A Word on Stem-Change Verbs

The Preterit Tense of -ar verbs

The Future Tense - Conjugation Review

Los Pronombres Sujetos

Regular -Ar Verb Conjugations

What's the best way gain fluency in a foreign language?

Some Interesting Facts about Gender Ambiguity of Nouns

Reflexive Pronouns - A Homework Series

Un Mapa de México - A Map of The Mexican States

The Difference between Por and Para

Form the Subjunctive...The 3-Step Approach

El Presente del Subjuntivo - Learn This!

The Preterit Tense - AR Verbs

2nd Semester Spanish Love Song!

Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns - Review with Examples

The Verb Hacer(to do, to make)

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

Un Episodio de El Chapulín Colorado("The Red Grasshopper")

Antonio Banderas con Los Lobos - "Canción del Mariachi"

Ud. and Uds. Commands - A Basic Chart

Irregular Affirmative Commands

Craigslist ad - In Spanish!