Unas Frases Útiles (Some Useful Phrases)
Do you want to start a conversation with a Spanish speaker, but you don't know where to begin? Then add these lines to your repertoire and you'll be invited to Papas & Beer in no time.
¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?
Me llamo….. – My name is……
¿Y tú? – And you? How about you?
¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
Estoy……- I am…..
bien…….. fine, good
mal………bad, horrible
así así…… OK, so-so
alegre, feliz…..happy
¿Donde está……? – Where is…..?
I've found a major stumbling block in learning a new language is that student's tend to shy away from conversing with a native speaker because they feel that they will be judged, and the sheer horror of that notion is enough to veer people away. My experience? Mexican folks and other native speakers will be more than GLAD to help you out because 1)they're human beings themselves, and the fact that someone is socializing with them is an opiate in and of itself, and 2)they will be happy to offer their corrections to your klutzy speech!!
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I've found a major stumbling block in learning a new language is that student's tend to shy away from conversing with a native speaker because they feel that they will be judged, and the sheer horror of that notion is enough to veer people away. My experience? Mexican folks and other native speakers will be more than GLAD to help you out because 1)they're human beings themselves, and the fact that someone is socializing with them is an opiate in and of itself, and 2)they will be happy to offer their corrections to your klutzy speech!!
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