Common Mexican Spanish Greetings and Phrases

 ¿Qué onda pues? If you're reading this, you must really want to know some Spanish phrases that are found in Northern México, or parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.  These phrases can be commonly heard during greetings, good-byes, as well as during normal conversation as "filler".  I've traveled to México many times, and I also have a lot of friends and acquaintances that commonly use these terms.  ¡Disfruten!

Everyday Greetings for Close Friends and/or Family

¿Qué onda? What's up?  

¿Qué onda pues? What's up dude?

¿Qué hubo? What's up? 

¿Qué onda guey? What's up $%^#? (The term guey, pronounced like the English "way", can be potentially offensive.  Generally, just refer to close pals with this one.)


Daily Expressions and Conversation

¿Cuánto cuesta?  How much does this cost?

¿Hay mucho?  Busy?  

¿Aquí está el señor/la señora ____?  Is Mr. or Mrs. ___, here? 

¿Por aquí está el OXXO?  Is OXXO around here? (*OXXO is like a 7-11 here in the States.)

Common Goodbyes

¡Qué tenga buen día!  Have a great day!

¡Qué tenga buena tarde!  Have a great afternoon!

¡Que tenga buena noche!  Have a great night! 

¡Qué le pase bien!  Hope you have a good time! 
